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Amiga Catalog Translation file  |  1997-10-09  |  9KB  |  450 lines

  1. ## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX)
  2. ## codeset X
  3. ## language X
  4. MSG_AppDescription
  5. ; Gui for xFX
  6. MSG_AppCopyright
  7. ; Alessandro Pedretti
  8. MSG_WI_Main
  9. ; GuiX - 
  10.  1997 Alessandro Pedretti
  11. MSG_TX_AboutMsg
  12. ; \033b\nGuiX V1.0\033n - Gui for xFX\n\n
  13.  1997, Alessandro Pedretti\nAll rights reserved\n
  14. MSG_MN_Main_Project
  15. ; Project
  16. MSG_MN_Main_Start
  17. ; Start
  18. MSG_MN_Main_StartChar
  19. MSG_MN_Main_Delete
  20. ; Delete Files
  21. MSG_MN_Main_GuiXPrefs
  22. ; Save Prefs
  23. MSG_MN_Main_GuiXPrefsChar
  24. MSG_MN_Main_AboutMUI
  25. ; About MUI
  26. MSG_MN_Main_AboutMUIChar
  27. MSG_MN_Main_About
  28. ; About GuiX
  29. MSG_MN_Main_AboutChar
  30. MSG_MN_Main_Iconify
  31. ; Iconify
  32. MSG_MN_Main_IconifyChar
  33. MSG_MN_Main_Quit
  34. ; Quit
  35. MSG_MN_Main_QuitChar
  36. MSG_MN_Main_Command
  37. ; Command
  38. MSG_MN_Main_Read
  39. ; Read
  40. MSG_MN_Main_ReadChar
  41. MSG_MN_Main_Write
  42. ; Write
  43. MSG_MN_Main_WriteChar
  44. MSG_MN_Main_Copy
  45. ; Copy
  46. MSG_MN_Main_CopyChar
  47. MSG_MN_Main_Check
  48. ; Check
  49. MSG_MN_Main_CheckChar
  50. MSG_MN_Main_Tools
  51. ; Extras
  52. MSG_MN_Main_CkSum
  53. ; CheckSum
  54. MSG_MN_Main_CkSumChar
  55. MSG_MN_Main_Split
  56. ; Splitter
  57. MSG_MN_Main_SplitChar
  58. MSG_MN_Main_UnPacker
  59. ; UnPacker
  60. MSG_MN_Main_UnPackerChar
  61. MSG_MN_Main_Help
  62. ; Help
  63. MSG_MN_Main_HelpChar
  64. MSG_MN_Main_MUIPrefs
  65. ; MUI Prefs
  66. MSG_MN_Main_MUIPrefsChar
  67. MSG_MN_AboutTit
  68. ; About
  69. MSG_MN_AboutTit_Close
  70. ; Close
  71. MSG_MN_AboutTit_CloseChar
  72. MSG_GR_DeviceTitle
  73. ; Device
  74. MSG_GR_FileTitle
  75. ; File
  76. MSG_GR_CylindersTitle
  77. ; Cylinders
  78. MSG_LA_Start
  79. ; Start
  80. MSG_LA_End
  81. ; End
  82. MSG_BT_Start
  83. ; _Start
  84. MSG_GR_Commands0
  85. ; Read
  86. MSG_GR_Commands1
  87. ; Write
  88. MSG_GR_Commands2
  89. ; Copy
  90. MSG_GR_Commands3
  91. ; Check
  92. MSG_CH_AddIcon
  93. ; a\00
  94. MSG_LA_AddIcon
  95. ; \033l_Add Icon
  96. MSG_CH_Pack
  97. ; p\00
  98. MSG_LA_Pack
  99. ; \033l_Pack
  100. MSG_CH_MountList
  101. ; m\00
  102. MSG_LA_MountList
  103. ; \033l_MountList
  104. MSG_CH_NoEject
  105. ; e\00
  106. MSG_LA_NoEject
  107. ; \033lNo _Eject
  108. MSG_LA_Efficiency
  109. ; Efficiency
  110. MSG_LA_Password
  111. ; Password
  112. MSG_LA_MountList_2
  113. ; Mountlist
  114. MSG_CH_Verify_2
  115. ; v\00
  116. MSG_LA_Verify_2
  117. ; \033l_Verify
  118. MSG_CH_NoEject_2
  119. ; e\00
  120. MSG_LA_NoEject_2
  121. ; No _Eject
  122. MSG_LA_Password_2
  123. ; Password
  124. MSG_GR_SecDeviceTitle
  125. ; Destination Device
  126. MSG_CH_Verify_3
  127. ; v\00
  128. MSG_LA_Verify_3
  129. ; \033l_Verify
  130. MSG_CH_NoEject_3
  131. ; e\00
  132. MSG_LA_NoEject_3
  133. ; \033lNo _Eject
  134. MSG_RA_Buffer_3Title
  135. ; Method
  136. MSG_RA_Buffer_3
  137. ; m\00
  138. MSG_RA_Buffer_30
  139. ; Memory
  140. MSG_RA_Buffer_31
  141. ; Disk Buffer
  142. MSG_RA_Buffer_32
  143. ; Device
  144. MSG_GR_Buffer_3Title
  145. ; Buf. Path
  146. MSG_ST_DiskBufPath
  147. ; Disk buffer path
  148. MSG_CH_NoEject_4
  149. ; e\00
  150. MSG_LA_NoEject_4
  151. ; No_Eject
  152. MSG_WI_About
  153. ; About GuiX
  154. MSG_BT_About_Ok
  155. ; _Ok
  156. MSG_ERR_OutOfMem
  157. ; Out of memory
  158. MSG_ERR_MUI
  159. ; Can't create gui
  160. MSG_ERR_xFX
  161. ; Can't find xFX !
  162. MSG_ERR_xFX_Killed
  163. ; xFX is not running !
  164. MSG_ERR_NoFileDisk
  165. ; File-disk not selected
  166. MSG_ERR_NoDevice
  167. ; Device not selected
  168. MSG_ERR_Mountlist
  169. ; Mountlist file name required
  170. MSG_ERR_DestDev
  171. ; Destination device not selected
  172. MSG_ERR_DiskBuf
  173. ; Disk-buffer path required
  174. MSG_ERR_KickStart
  175. ; You need KickStart 3.0 or better !\n
  176. MSG_ERR_Library
  177. ; You need %s V%ld or higher !
  178. MSG_ERR_DosPrompt
  179. ; DOS Error: %s
  180. MSG_ERR_XpkPrompt
  181. ; XPK Error: %s
  182. MSG_ERR_NoMount
  183. ; Can't mount this device
  184. MSG_ERR_ReadML
  185. ; Can't read mount list
  186. MSG_ERR_Geometry
  187. ; Can't get device geometry
  188. MSG_ERR_FileTooLong
  189. ; File name too long
  190. MSG_BAL_CH_NoEject
  191. ; Disables the automatic disk eject
  192. MSG_BAL_BT_File
  193. ; Opens the file requester
  194. MSG_BAL_CH_Verify
  195. ; Verifies during writing operation
  196. MSG_BAL_BT_Device
  197. ; Opens the device selector
  198. MSG_BAL_BT_Close
  199. ; Closes the window
  200. MSG_BAL_ST_Main_Device
  201. ; Device to execute the\nselected option
  202. MSG_BAL_ST_Main_File
  203. ; File for READ/WRITE commands
  204. MSG_BAL_SL_Main_Start
  205. ; Sets starting cylinder
  206. MSG_BAL_SL_Main_End
  207. ; Sets ending cylinder
  208. MSG_BAL_BT_Main_Start
  209. ; Activates xFX
  210. MSG_BAL_CH_Main_AddIcon
  211. ; Adds an icon to file-disk
  212. MSG_BAL_CH_Main_Pack
  213. ; Enables file-disk packing
  214. MSG_BAL_CH_Main_MountList
  215. ; Generates a mountlist
  216. MSG_BAL_LV_Main_PackMode
  217. ; Type of packing method
  218. MSG_BAL_SL_Main_Efficiency
  219. ; Compression efficiency
  220. MSG_BAL_ST_Main_Password
  221. ; Sets the encryption password
  222. MSG_BAL_ST_Main_MountList
  223. ; File name for fmsdisk.device\nmountlist
  224. MSG_BAL_GR_Main_Read
  225. ; Creates a new file-disk
  226. MSG_BAL_ST_Main_Password_2
  227. ; Sets the decryption password
  228. MSG_BAL_GR_Main_Write
  229. ; Creates new disk from a file-disk
  230. MSG_BAL_ST_Main_SecDevice
  231. ; Sets destination device for copy
  232. MSG_BAL_RA_Main_Buffer_3
  233. ; Sets type of disk buffer
  234. MSG_BAL_ST_Main_Buffer_3
  235. ; Sets the disk buffer path
  236. MSG_BAL_GR_Main_Copy
  237. ; Performs a single or double device copy
  238. MSG_BAL_GR_Main_Check
  239. ; Checks the selected device
  240. MSG_BAL_LV_Dev_SelMount
  241. ; Displays mounted devices
  242. MSG_BAL_LV_Dev_SelUnMount
  243. ; Displays unmounted devices
  244. MSG_BAL_BT_Dev_DevMount
  245. ; Mounts the selected device
  246. MSG_BAL_LV_Dev_SelDriver
  247. ; Displays device drivers
  248. MSG_BAL_SL_Dev_Unit
  249. ; Sets the unit number
  250. MSG_BAL_BT_Dev_SelDriver
  251. ; Displays device geometry
  252. MSG_BAL_GR_Dev_Geometry
  253. ; Geometry informations
  254. MSG_BAL_ST_Dev_SelDev
  255. ; Selected device
  256. MSG_BAL_BT_Dev_SelDevOK
  257. ; Confirms the selected device
  258. MSG_WI_Devices
  259. ; Device Selector
  260. MSG_MNl_Devices_DeviceList
  261. ; Device List
  262. MSG_MN_Device_Rescan
  263. ; Rescan
  264. MSG_MN_Device_RescanChar
  265. MSG_MN_Device_Close
  266. ; Close
  267. MSG_MN_Device_CloseChar
  268. MSG_MN_Device_Mode
  269. ; Mode
  270. MSG_MN_Device_Mounted
  271. ; Mounted
  272. MSG_MN_Device_MountedChar
  273. MSG_MN_Device_UnMounted
  274. ; UnMounted
  275. MSG_MN_Device_UnMountedChar
  276. MSG_MN_Device_Drivers
  277. ; Drivers
  278. MSG_MN_Device_DriversChar
  279. MSG_GR_Mode0
  280. ; Mounted
  281. MSG_GR_Mode1
  282. ; Unmounted
  283. MSG_GR_Mode2
  284. ; Drivers
  285. MSG_BT_DevMount
  286. ; _Mount
  287. MSG_SL_Unit
  288. ; Unit
  289. MSG_BT_SelDriver
  290. ; Info
  291. MSG_CH_SelDriver
  292. ; i\00
  293. MSG_GR_GeometryTitle
  294. ; Geometry
  295. MSG_LA_DeviceName
  296. ; Device driver
  297. MSG_LA_DeviceUnit
  298. ; Unit
  299. MSG_LA_Size
  300. ; Size (KBytes)
  301. MSG_LA_TotSectors
  302. ; Tot. Sectors
  303. MSG_LA_SectorSize
  304. ; Sector Size
  305. MSG_LA_Cylinders
  306. ; Cylinders
  307. MSG_LA_SectorsCyl
  308. ; Sectors/Cyl.
  309. MSG_LA_Surfaces
  310. ; Surfaces
  311. MSG_LA_SectorsTrack
  312. ; Sectors/Track
  313. MSG_LA_SelDev
  314. ; Device
  315. MSG_BT_SelDevOK
  316. ; _Ok
  317. MSG_BT_SelDevCancel
  318. ; _Cancel
  319. MSG_WI_UnPacker
  320. ; File-Disk UnPacker
  321. MSG_MN_UnPack_UnPacker
  322. ; UnPacker
  323. MSG_MN_UnPack_Close
  324. ; Close
  325. MSG_MN_UnPack_CloseChar
  326. MSG_BAL_ST_UnPack_UnPackFile
  327. ; File-disk to decrunch
  328. MSG_BAL_GA_UnPack_UnPack
  329. ; Progress bar
  330. MSG_BAL_BT_UnPack_UnPackStart
  331. ; Performs the file-disk unpacking
  332. MSG_GR_UnPackFileTitle
  333. ; File-Disk
  334. MSG_LA_UnPackFile
  335. ; Name
  336. MSG_GR_UnPack_ProgTitle
  337. ; Progress
  338. MSG_BT_UnPackStart
  339. ; _UnPack
  340. MSG_BT_UnPackCancel
  341. ; _Cancel
  342. MSG_WI_CkSum
  343. ; CheckSum Calculator
  344. MSG_MN_CkSum_CkSum
  345. ; Checksum
  346. MSG_MN_CkSum_Calculate
  347. ; Calculate
  348. MSG_MN_CkSum_CalculateChar
  349. MSG_MN_CkSum_Cancel
  350. ; Close
  351. MSG_MN_CkSum_CancelChar
  352. MSG_LA_CkSum_File
  353. ; File
  354. MSG_BAL_ST_CkSum_File
  355. ; Input file for calculation
  356. MSG_LA_CkSum_Type
  357. ; _Method
  358. MSG_CY_CkSum_Type
  359. ; m\00
  360. MSG_BAL_CY_CkSum_Type
  361. ; Method used to calculate the checksum
  362. MSG_CY_CkSum_Type0
  363. ; Brik CRC-32
  364. MSG_CY_CkSum_Type1
  365. ; BSD
  366. MSG_CY_CkSum_Type2
  367. ; MD5
  368. MSG_CY_CkSum_Type3
  369. ; Posix
  370. MSG_CY_CkSum_Type4
  371. ; System V
  372. MSG_GR_CkSum_ResTitle
  373. ; Checksum
  374. MSG_BAL_GR_CkSum_Res
  375. ; Results of checksum calculation
  376. MSG_LA_CkSum_Dec
  377. ; Dec
  378. MSG_LA_CkSum_Hex
  379. ; Hex
  380. MSG_BT_CkSum_Calc
  381. ; C_alc
  382. MSG_BAL_BT_CkSum_Calc
  383. ; Performs the checksum calculation
  384. MSG_BT_CkSum_Cancel
  385. ; _Cancel
  386. MSG_ERR_CkSum
  387. ; Can't calculate the checksum
  388. MSG_ST_Del_Files
  389. ; Please select file/s to delete
  390. MSG_ST_Del_Confirm
  391. ; Area you sure to delete the\n selected files ?
  392. MSG_BT_Del_Delete
  393. ; _Abort|_Delete
  394. MSG_WI_Split
  395. ; File Splitter
  396. MSG_MN_Split_Splitter
  397. ; Splitter
  398. MSG_MN_Split_Exe
  399. ; Execute
  400. MSG_MN_Split_ExeChar
  401. MSG_MN_Split_Close
  402. ; Close
  403. MSG_MN_Split_CloseChar
  404. MSG_GR_Split_FileTitle
  405. ; File-Disk
  406. MSG_LA_Split_File
  407. ; Name
  408. MSG_BAL_GR_Split_File
  409. ; File-Disk to split or join
  410. MSG_LA_Split_Mode
  411. ; _Mode
  412. MSG_CY_Split_Mode
  413. ; m\00
  414. MSG_CY_Split_Mode0
  415. ; Split
  416. MSG_CY_Split_Mode1
  417. ; Join
  418. MSG_BAL_CY_Split_Mode
  419. ; Sets join or split function
  420. MSG_LA_Split_Prefix
  421. ; Prefix
  422. MSG_BAL_LA_Split_Prefix
  423. ; Prefix to use as name for splitted files
  424. MSG_LA_Split_Size
  425. ; _Size
  426. MSG_BAL_LA_Split_Size
  427. ; Sets the max size of splitted files
  428. MSG_BAL_CY_Split_Size
  429. ; Presetted file sizes
  430. MSG_CY_Split_Size
  431. ; s\00
  432. MSG_CY_Split_Size0
  433. ; Custom
  434. MSG_BT_Split_Exe
  435. ; _Execute
  436. MSG_BAL_BT_Split_Exe
  437. ; Performs joining or splitting
  438. MSG_BT_Split_Cancel
  439. ; _Calcel
  440. MSG_ERR_Split_NoPrefix
  441. ; Prefix of output files not selected
  442. MSG_ERR_Split_PrefixTooLong
  443. ; Prefix too long (max. 26 chars)
  444. MSG_ERR_Split_NoSplitted
  445. ; The selected file is not a member of splitted set
  446. MSG_ERR_Split_NoOutput
  447. ; Can't create %s
  448. MSG_ERR_Split_NotFound
  449. ; First file not found